Three Visual Thinking Strategy Questions

The facilitator begins the discussion with the following:
What's going on in this picture?

If the participant needs to elaborate to make their comment clearer:
What do you see that makes you say that?

If the discussion comes to a stop:
What more can we find?

Facilitator’s Role

  • Paraphrase each participant’s observation using as many of the participant’s original words as possible.

  • Point at what participants are observing.

  • Make connections between the participants’ observations.

Tips for Facilitators

  • When asking questions, please stick to the three above.

  • When responding, you will only paraphrase, point, and connect.

  • Avoid adding your own interpretation, asking leading questions or evaluating responses, either positive or negative.

  • Regularly check in with group members to ensure that your paraphrasing or connections reflect what they’ve shared.


Discussion Image, Round 2

(Double-click on image to fit to your screen.)

(Double-click on image to fit to your screen.)


For viewing after the facilitated discussion, image caption information below:

Kitagawa Utamaro, A Merry Evening Party, ca. 1805, Triptych of woodblock prints; ink and color on paper, Metropolitan Museum of Art